Tuesday, January 13, 2009

photo 13

Today Forrest had his first Ultimate Frisbee practice. This will be his third attempt at the world of team sports.
His first foray was baseball at the age of 6. While in the dugout waiting for his turn to bat, he was fine. While in the outfield waiting to chase down a ball...not so much. He sat down and began plucking blades of grass and tossing the occasional dandelion over his shoulder. I couldn't really blame him...the ball didn't get hit all the way out to deep right field very often. I thought that the whole scene was amusing. Unfortunately I didn't realize that some parents (and coaches) take 6yo baseball VERY seriously. Baseball was not for us.
Fast forward two years later. Attempt number two. Soccer. He did great...when he was in the middle of the action. When he had to play goalie? Not so much. Oh, he could block the ball and keep it out of the goal very well. The problems arose when the ball was down field at the opposite goal. He would get a little bored and suddenly hanging from the net in the goal sounded like a grand idea. Did you know that some people take 8yo soccer VERY seriously? Soccer was not for us.
Here we are, 7 years later. Team sport number three. Ultimate Frisbee. Fortunately, Forrest takes Ultimate Frisbee very seriously.

1 comment:

  1. HA - B's been playing it for awhile now at NCS. He has practice everyday but Friday. I didn't realize it was even a sport until the second week into it...I just thought it was a nerdo thing...imagine my surprise when they actually had a GAME! :) HA! Good luck with that...this is definitely a sport more fitting for our boys.
