Thursday, April 23, 2009

photo 113

Two field trips in one week. Alllllmost more than I can handle. Today we trekked to the Discovery Center in Murphreesboro. These are the kids that I "watched" (a more accurate description would be: these are the kids that I chased, counted, chased, counted, lost, found, chased, counted, lost again, found and counted for 4 hours).
They had so much fun and the museum is really cool. The matching class field-trip shirts were a HUGE help in keeping up with the kids. The museum isn't too terribly big and there were several schools there at the same time.
The boy that Cammie has her arm around is Joshua. Joshua is a special needs child that is included in regular classrooms. He is the absolute sweetest little boy I have ever met. All of the kids in Cammie's class are super protective of him. I am so proud of the way Cammie treats him. She encouraged him to try new things, made sure he was included in all of the actvities and she held his hand and told him that he didn't have to be scared, that she would help him. Who knew my contrary little spitfire could be so sweet?

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