Monday, March 2, 2009

photo 61

Happy Birthday Dr. Seuss! I am so happy that his birthday is celebrated in school. We have the entire collection (yes, while pregnant with Forrest my OCD became hyper focused on amassing his library).
My love for Dr. Seuss was born in my pediatrician's waiting room. I had my umpteenth case of strep throat and while I wondered which animal clip on Dr. Nemec would have attached to his stethoscope (because he had a menagerie and each visit brought a new favorite being his Paddington Bear) I found a copy of "In A People House". I must have read it 5 times in the waiting area. I carried it back to the room with me and read it again as I awaited my turn to have my tonsils swabbed, and anticipated my most favorite part... the smiley face he drew on the tongue depressor. Now, 25 years later, it is still my favorite book of ALL time.
In 2001 Dr. Nemec died and it broke my heart. I also cried when Dr. Seuss died. Forrest chose "Who was Dr. Seuss" as an elective this year.

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