Monday, May 4, 2009

photo 124

The carpet roses bloomed a week after the knock-outs. The blooms are smaller than the knock-outs and they are not as fragrant...but they are lovely nonetheless.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

photo 123

Marley and Winston LOVE this ball. They wrestle for it just about every day. Marley won this afternoon. She napped with it. Every time someone would walk by her, her eyes would fly open. She was worried that Winston would try to snag it while she slept.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

photo 122

We have a large spot in our back yard that has terrible drainage issues. We have been trying to get grass to grow there for the past 4 years. Today we tried something new...topsoil and sod. Please Lord, let this grass grow!!! (Am I the only person that thinks of jelly roll cakes when looking at this picture)?

Friday, May 1, 2009

photo 121

Mark helped Chloe build an airplane like the one that he made with Forrest when he was in elementary school. This was a required project for a large chunk of her science grade. She had to build "something" out of "found" items and trash. She remembered Forrest's plane (which he still has) and requested the same thing for her project. I have to say, it was a very clever design.